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Figure 5 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 5

From: The lin-35/ Rb and RNAi pathways cooperate to regulate a key cell cycle transition in C. elegans

Figure 5

Components of the RNAi pathways cooperate with lin-35/Rb to regulate intestinal nuclear divisions. (A) lin-35(rr33) L4 animals were fed with bacterial clones that corresponded to the various components of the RNAi pathways and the number of intestinal nuclei was scored in L4 larvae of the next generation. (B) RNAi of some PTGS components was also performed on wild-type worms. The asterisk denotes a Student t-Test value of < 0.05 compared to lin-35(rr33) in A and wild-type in B. (C) Examples of the multinucleate intestinal cells typically generated in the double mutants between lin-35(rr33) and various components of the RNAi pathways. Some cells can exceed 12 nuclei/per cell. The arrowheads indicate the intestinal cell boundaries. (D) The number of multinucleate cells was monitored in various genetic backgrounds. In wild type, all the intestinal cells of the Int3-9 rings have either 1 or 2 intestinal nuclei.

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